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i did it!!!!!!!!!!! night 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at the last sec



pls make the game a little bit easy


cool game


Also, am quite suprised that the game saves automatically, considering it was made on SCRATCH


or well, turbowarp



LETS GO!!!!!!!!


i hate to ask but what game engine is this using?


turbowarp, a modified (and better) version of scratch, I also use turbowarp to make games


oh neat.

also if it uses turbowarp, that must mean the characters are made of vectors right?


yes, if you see on his yt he has a vid when he shows scratch's model, and it looks like the vector background, not like the bitmap.


and the models also look like vector, to simplify

I've dug through the files, the rigs are vectors, but when actually visible on cameras? they're bitmapped.

SaSnF v2.5.9 update!
Read description above to see update info


btw, are you making SaSnF 2?


Yes I am!


Lets go! (Also can you put v.2.5.9 for mac? If you fixed the bug I had with the game chashing alot, and did you put the new update in the website to play or is it still on v.2.5.8?)


oh wait you did, now I can equip the AdGren18's plushie, it is on v2.5.9!


and when do you think SaSnF 2 is coming out?


I found a bug with, Lazysoar's plushie and an AdGren18's plushie, when you purchase Lazysoar's plush and click equip and then go to AdGren18's plushie the "unequip" button is still on AdGren18's plushie and when I click it, it stays like unequip and doenst changes to equip, I want to also say that when this bug happened I still didnt had AdGren18,s plushie, so I still had to buy it, this all happened on the website (I play the game here, not on the app)


and when I change the item to other accesorry for the plushie I still havent buy, it changes to equip like normal

(1 edit)

Thx for letting me know!


yes! It finally worked! Thx for putting it here, now I can play the game!

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"Can you use the CD+ feature to skip the nights in a similar way to FNAF 1 and 2?"


do it yourself

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When I tried to download the game on my Linux Chromebook, it didn't work. Can you please  fix it?

I've decided to add it here so it would be easier to handle sense I don't exactly know how to fix that

It used to be available during development and it was ctrl+shift+f but it was removed for release so no one cheats their way through the nights

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"Oh well, I wish it wasn't so difficult to beat all of the nights." :(


hey! I am really happy of the new mac support, but after I click new game the game crashes, my mac is a macOS Big Sur, and its really new, I hope you can fix the bug :)


maybe place the game to play here on the page? IDK


please make a mac version, or place the game on the website so I can play it :(

(2 edits)

Ok!! I'll add a mac version




this is great



how did u make this game? in scratch, like the website?

I made it using a modified version of Scratch called Turbowarp

Please report any bugs or issues you may encounter and I'll be sure to fix them in a future update